Contact Dr. Monica Reintjes, PhD, LPC
To schedule a free 15-minute consultation for therapy, consulting or coaching, please either fill out the form below, or call my direct office line at (703) 718-6732 and leave a voicemail with your name, phone number and a good time to reach you. I will contact you in 24-48 hours.
I look forward to hearing from you. Please make sure to check your spam folder if you haven’t received a response within 24-48 hours.
Location for In-Person Therapy in Alexandria, VA
211 North Union Street, Suite 100
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
My office is conveniently located in Old Town, Alexandria, Virginia, on the corner of Thompsons Alley and North Union Street (located directly behind Old Town Alexandria Harbor). It’s a .3 mile walk from Station Old Town, located at Parking Lot N Fairfax St and King St.